
The Biggest Problem in Tech

Written by Brian Arbuckle | March 6, 2023
If we were to ask 50 IT experts what the biggest problem in technology today is…we would get 50 different answers. Here’s the real answer. The biggest problem in technology?
We can’t admit we actually have a problem!
We’ve bought into the notion that asking for help equals weakness. We believe that instead of working 12 hour days, if we do 13 hour days, our problems will vanish. We hold on to the idea that we are one iteration away from solving all our issues.
You. Are. Wrong!
Repeat after me: “I have a problem.”
That’s step 1. Step 2? You aren’t going to like this…The problem isn’t technical!
What’s that? Blasphemy! “It is technical” you say! It’s hyper-convergence! It’s cloud! It’s ransomware! QUANTUM COMPUTING!
Your problem is time. And more specifically time to focus and think strategically. You’re chasing all of these technology and spending zero time thinking about the strategy behind implementing them. You latch on to the cool tech because it’s cool-tech. Not because it’s the right thing for your organization.
Stop chasing the shiny penny (tech). Admit you need help with the random, daily fires that pop up. Admit the problem isn’t technical. Once you clear these two hurdles, you’ll have time to think strategically about what your organization really needs.